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Breast uplift or Mastopexy which is the surgical term for the lifting of droopy breasts into a more youthful position. This can be performed with or without the use of breast implants. If your breasts are sagging but still have sufficient volume, a breast lift will address this, resulting in breasts that have a more pert appearance. If you feel that your breasts are sagging and don’t have enough volume an implant can be inserted at the same time or as a second stage to address this. In certain situations depending upon the degree of droop a breast implant solely can give a certain amount of lift. Only after being examined at a consultation could an informed decision be made regarding the type of surgery required. In the event of a breast implant being used, Stuart’s implants of choice is a silicone gel implant manufactured by Mentor Medical Ltd.
Before opting for breast uplift surgery, it is important to have a clear idea of what you are hoping to gain from the operation and the result you can realistically expect. By explaining what you think is wrong allows the surgeon to discuss an appropriate operation and how your breasts are likely to look afterwards.
Click here for information on Post Surgery Breast Care.
Consultation fee may apply - for full details call 01524 793170.
The cost of the procedure will be quoted based on the findings and discussion at the consultation.
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